“I beg your pardon?”
“I beg your pardon?”
Is there any part of 880 that isn’t crumbling?
I’m surprised I had to scroll down this far to see this.
Remember Jeremy Tyler?
James Franco in Springbreakers + Ace Ventura + ... a cat?
Fair enough! For my part I thought your insight was unique enough that the CBS article felt similar. I see now that they didn’t describe him as a “battering ram,” which on second read of your article is what stuck with me the most.
CBS just cribbed your article dude!
technically true is the best kind of true
How about they pay him ... however much the team is worth, to never be in the building again. Sell the team!
He ... still has to get back somehow, right?
Are you going to try to drive project POStal back to Detroit?
I agree --I have a SJ FXT with the CVT. My only gripe with it is how long it takes to respond from a stop, but coupled to the FA20DIT with the S and S# modes the CVT tune is good at keeping the RPMs where they need to be if you need the grunt. Otherwise I is perfectly find putting around town.
Looks like you can’t get the XT without any bells and whistles, which is too bad. The SJ FXT was available in the base trim (I forget what euphemism Subaru uses for that), without the need to pay for all the extra stuff in the more expensive trims, which was nice. It’s still good to see the OBXT returning, albeit at…
You cheeky fucker, you beat me to it!
What are you, chicken?