Ellis Swap Goes With Everything

No McGlashan ever amounted to anything in the history of Mill Valley!

Too bad he was a SLACKER.

BMW system perfectly emulates BMW drivers.

What if he has to ford the river?


Hmm, Human Movie ... I like it!

Celica GT?

What do YOU mean, “you people?”

Indeed, gelatin is regularly used as an adhesive. Soylent Glue is people!!

I was hoping it’s a Sunfire, very disappointed to find out someone mangled a Goat. Then I realized I basically confused the Goat with a Sunfire,which explains a lot right there.

Wow, this joke gave me Quest for Glory flashbacks with Erasmus’s corny jokes. 

Did anyone else get a stream of 11 shipment confirmation emails from Nintendo?

To be fair, there is also a ton of repetition of Louis Cha’s material, which is only a few decades old.

To be fair, his spray-on human skin looks eerily real.