Ellis Swap Goes With Everything

Well excuuuuuuuse me, Princess

Love that Harmon et al. still find time to troll our emotions — when Mr. Poopybutthole looked towards the sky after closing the photobook, I almost lost it.

Maybe Ants In My Eyes Johnson is hiring?

Now playing

Forgetting Sarah Marshall touched on the soundtrack issue, kind of:

... never “your” dildo.

Yea, Mike seemed more like a human plot device than actual character at times.


With Adams out USA should really just rename the show “Harvey.”

Rand Paul is not Castor Troy. Ew.

Indeed, out of the grey, and into the pillowy red velvet of a septuagenarian’s utterly rent exit cavity. Thank you kind sir.

Cannot unsee goatse interior .... thanks for ruining red interiors forever