
You can also turn off the Adventure Sync option if total uninstall doesn’t work for you. Remember, Niantic collects player data and offers it (not individually but as collections) to their partners. I think many of us long termers assume that’s where they make the most money, and it was a strategy used in the Pokemon

I wish internet was filled with interactions like this.

Excellent reply!

The only reasoning I can think of for this change is they want to bring back the feeling of everyone playing the game at the same time, like when it first launched, or the early community days where I would see dozens, if not over 100, people playing at the local park.  People didn’t just catch the CD ‘mon, they also

I realized my pithy remark comes off as callow.

What’s the motive to decreasing the amount of time community “day” activities are accessible? You’d think giving people more opportunity to participate would be a good thing.

Talk me through your logic here. Because I have observed that the way the game has been for the last two years is better than the changes of the last month, I should uninstall the game?

I live in the UK. Where it was absolutely the case. But cheers for the accusation of lying!

It’s not about how many hours the average person plays, it’s about the added flexibility of when you play.  This is important for people who work on the weekend or have other commitments.

So I played Pokemon GO regularly since it launched. I had forgotten that earlier Community Days were only 3 hours instead of 6 hours. Based on the data they released it makes sense for them to scale it back. It’s something like 5% of players play 3 hours or more and I fall into the other 95% of players. I usually only

I named that both. Except NANA is shojo while Parakiss is Josei.

Remember, it is not content but rather target audience which determines an manga/anime's type. NANA was in Shojo Magazine "Cookie," so it is Shojo.

NANA was in Shojo Magazine "Cookie," Paradise Kiss was in Josei magazine "Zipper." Thus they are Shojo and Josei respectively. Content is irrelevant when it comes to these terms.