
A large problem with retention comes from pay changes. The larger groups like Sonic, Group One, and Auto Nation change pay plans multiple times a year to ensure they keep more money in their pockets, and not in their employees. Smaller groups tend to have better longevity because the employees are able to speak

My friend got a ticket in Lakeway, TX for going 1pmh over. Makes zero sense. He got to court and after the judge stopped laughing he dismissed the citation.

So if that were your car, how would you react? Pretty sure you’d tell that guy to fuck off and get away from your half million dollar car.

I lost interest after the “commentator” nearly slammed the engine cover into the deck lid...not to mention a vague attempt to rip the side mirror off. Who hires these guys?

The rest of the world LOVES this car show...it gives us all something to point and laugh at.

I don’t get it. I can recreate that truck, not to mention BETTER for about $15k over the price of the $70k vehicle.

What will the dorks do now?

“LS swap.” -every redneck I know

I’m sorry if you guys are pussies, but if I see a stranger driving my car without my knowledge there will be an incident.

Keyboard cowboys don’t count.

Find me a cop who would arrest me for that...I’ll wait.

$90k for that, they’ll kill it in the US.

It goes there for service...exactly as you stated...not for some guy to drive it to lunch.

There would be no discussion...you would get yanked the fuck out of the window.

Wow...people will bitch about ANYTHING. The discount isn’t big enough...boohoo.

3 in a day isn’t uncommon, but when I can genuinely help someone in need it makes it all worth the extra effort.

And we have a winner! Some asshat always finds a way to make a car conversation political.

Yesterday was my first day back and I sold three cars to flood victims. It felt good to help these people in need, and I made it my purpose to take very good care of them on price. We pulled every incentive that we could to ease their burden. I left work after being here for 12 1/2 hours with a huge smile on my face,

My apologies...I don’t know what /s means. Jackass. lol

The majority of this list is too stupid to even respond to.