
For US audiences, we tend to really like to seal everything off with "decisive action" which translates to ass-kicking and shooting. I myself felt that profound build up to something I expected to be familiar and the glee with which I was doing this went largely unnoticed—until Naomi's confession was dubbed over the

Yes, you are correct. I worked with such diagrams for a living: they are referred to as exploded diagrams. I'm approaching 50 and that's the term I heard used when I was younger, I've more recently heard them called a disassembled diagram. Sometimes they are even referred to simply as a parts diagram, depending upon

For anyone who has ever worked with such diagrams for a living: they are referred to as exploded diagrams. I'm approaching 50 and that's the term I heard used when I was younger, I've more recently heard them as disassembled diagram. Sometimes they are even referred to simply as a parts diagram.

They did learn something new about the creature though: it can be led with energy signatures as bait for food. It's also sentient enough to realize it has something inside of it that it needed to remove (a control device? self-destruct bomb?).

This! If I wanted TWD formula, I would be watching that. :)