
This would be a fair response in another situation. Not when things are this bad.

John Oliver is actually posted on YouTube too — HBO not even needed.

Some ‘best of’ moments from Twitter:

New mad respect for Taylor Swift. She gave excellent answers to all those questions where the lawyer was trying to put the onus on her to have done something about it, rather than the perpetrator who shouldn’t have done it in the first place. Bravo!!!!

And it looks like she’s clearly pulling away from him. He looks so fucking smarmy and proud of himself, fuck that guy.

I completely understand her reaction. I have reacted to similar violations by freezing or continuing to go through the motions of whatever I was doing like nothing was happening. It’s a combination of shock and the way women are socialized.

Yep. You didn’t not behave the way a typical victim would, so it didn’t happen.

Whilst I am a little over TS and her instabullshit, she is giving some excellent responses to the unsurprising and fucking boring old “Why didn’t you just stop the man who sexually assaulted you from sexually assaulting you?” courtroom trope.

Yeah, I’ve never been a huge Taylor Swift fan, but that is a topnotch, A+ answer to a bullshit question. I mean, I’m sure she was prepped for this, but I’d be hard pressed not to stand up and cheer in the courtroom if I’d heard any of these answers in person.

I like that they tried to make the fact that she acted like a professional after the fact some indication that she didn’t mind. Look at the picture. She’s a fucking pro. This guy’s scum.

Mueller’s lawyer M. Gabriel McFarland asked Swift whether she was “critical” of her then bodyguard, Greg Dent, for not intervening. Swift responded, “No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”

The old “you didn’t cause a big scene so therefore it didn’t happen” defense

There isn’t a more inaccurate quarterback prospect in this draft with a reasonable chance at being drafted. Hackenberg is inaccurate at every level of the field, on all throws and against all coverages.

but at some point, they will have to decide whether Hackenberg is the answer at quarterback, a decision that could affect their 2018 draft plans and their franchise for years to come.

the Iron Bank guy would not commit their support of Cersei’s war until their repayment made it to the Iron Bank, which as we know from the epic end scene, it did NOT.

The Bears play 95% of their games on Sunday at noon. Titties will be kissed.

No need to get riled about this. Justice was as much of a Democrat as Mitch McConnell. A rich coal baron who doesn’t pay his taxes. It doesn’t change much. 

Especially when he was a republican up to three years ago.

Color me shocked that a billionaire coal man from the South is a republican.

That is literally an over the shoulder boulder holder