
Former professional goalkeeper/current goalkeeper coach at UNC Wilmington here. He’s in the correct position. His team is in possession and pressing forward. It’s his job to move forward with them, to keep the gap between himself and his last defender consistent, in order to be in good position to intercept a through

When people ask what happened here, tell them that winter came for House Pornhub, and lots of people didn’t.

ESPN routinely airs coverage of actual people in tiny panties.

Shockingly, when you try for mainstream coverage, you need to deal with mainstream standards. Who would have guessed?

Macron is fucking with him. I kind of love it.

He totally does say “let go” and Macron points at something off in the distance and is internally screaming, “NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER.”

Also, Melania’s entire outfit is gorgeous and now I feel like I’ve committed treason.

He absolutely does say, “let go”.

I can’t wait for the movie version where there’s a secret meeting in an dark underground parking garage with KatyPerrysBootyHole in a raspy voice saying, “Follow the Wet Butt”.

Not many people know this but KatyPerrysBootyHole is actually Tim Kurkjian

I’m fucking dying that that correction is real life. Who says journalism is dead?

Shortly after the video made its way onto the internet last Friday, the club confirmed that all four players had been released

It’s pretty crazy that over the course of the whole game the ump made, what, about 4 bad calls? Then he saved up one egregious one for when the pressure was on. Guess you gotta get those umpires with the clutch gene

Guaranteed Fail.

Okay, but people pay $300K for memberships to his golf course. If I invite you over to my house for Christmas and take a dump on the rug, sure it’s technically still my call, but I’m also a huge dick for doing so.

He still goes home to Kate Upton.

As a Pens fan, I’m going to miss the current tradition of Fleury losing his job every postseason.

It looks like Hedges did indeed give Rizzo a path to the plate. Catchers are sitting ducks...looking at the baseball while a lumberjack barrels full speed towards you.

I can honestly say I have never in my life ever spent one second of my life concerned about someone seeing my butthole during sex. It has never even entered into my mind.

Okay, seriously, this is a Bioware game?

Man, thats gonna be one gorgeous looking boring ass game.