
Somehow this game came to life after 70 dreary minutes, but most importantly, the Fox Sports2 production was awful. As the clips above show, the audio and video were so out of sync that each goal was announced well before the ball found the net. Say what you will about ESPN, but they did a great job with their World

Are GOAT discussions ELITE debates? Vote now.

Maybe it’s because I have a degree in compsci and math, but I was really hoping this article would end with an actual number (“7 times per month”) based on the headline instead of a big wishy-washy “It depends”

GOAT discussions are really tiresome.

There was once a team that won eight titles in a row.

Pheromosa on that picture looks like, um, nevermind.

I don’t care about KD. I don’t care about Rihanna. Jeff Van Gundy, though? That man is a goddamn delight.

The song has aged like fine wine, but the video looks ridiculous. Except for the part where she’s covered in gold paint, which I love, it’s one of those videos that’s a victim of a technology that was probably revolutionary at the time (the water splashing all over), but now looks like a child drew it with crayons.

Huma. Honey. He’s not good for you. He’s not good for your son. You haven’t failed, I promise. You are doing what is best for your family. Don’t let him back in.

Lesson for the kids out there: Don’t try to make baseball fun.

A baby bird in the nest that opens its brightly-colored mouth and makes a peep sound will be fed by its parents. It will continue doing this until it is a fully grown bird. Meanwhile, a baby bird that does not do this will starve to death.

Don’t follow softball...but I know who I am rooting for.

I have no love lost for James Comey, who I do think impacted the election, and no I don’t think HRC was blameless.

Holy shit. Also he looks exactly like T.Y. with that awesome hair going all over the place.

The thought of someone raping Little Miss Sunshine is giving me the worst cross of murderous rage and horrific sadness. Take care sweet Abagail.

I have only told a few people about my 2 rapes (one was by a boyfriend and one was acquaintance rape) because for the longest time I felt responsible.

And all the young audience members nodded their heads in agreement to his platitudes about outreach and understanding, and then they left the auditorium, graduated, moved to one of three cities, wasted their votes in 90% Democratic districts, and lost the House of Representatives and the presidency for another 50

As incredible as this meme is, just wanna make sure we all know that that is not Tiffany Trump’s real Facebook account