She sounds absolutely amazing and like a woman I would have loved to know. The world will be poorer without her.
This guy had curly sandy blond hair, so not the same guy. It's definitely an extremely anomalous behavior. Mildly disconcerting to know there are multiple people in the world who do this, eh? Lol.
This comment made me giggle & inhale my hot tea!
I think I get what you're asking... The Ward Room was what we called our breakroom. It's a military term for for a recreational/dining area for officers on a ship.
You know, honestly, I don't remember his real name. Isn't that awful? The only thing that sticks in my memory is the nickname. And I can picture him perfectly. This would have been the summer of 1999, so it was quite some time ago. Were you a counselor or camper there?
I forgot to mention he swallowed the toenails too. He did not spit them out.
THIS was the one that made my stomach turn. I cannot handle lice. *shudders*
Oh lord, I don't blame you for eating elsewhere! And yeah, I was pretty amazed the guy could manage it. He was pretty portly, to put it nicely.
Had I been him, I would have been mortified. I mean, I would never cut my nails in public, but were I to have a completely aberrant personal grooming episode, I'm pretty sure I would have stumbled all over myself to apologize.
Isn't it just amazing how socially unaware people can be? Disconcerting, really.
He had zero shame about the whole thing too & the presence of multiple people entering the room did not stop him. So in his little world, I guess it was perfectly okay behavior. I think most of us that saw him doing it turned green & felt a little ill. This was when I was in college, so he was probably 21-13 years…
A fellow counselor at Space Camp sitting on the couch of the Ward Room (our breakroom) chewing his toenails off one by one. He was a less than socially competent individual & not particularly likable. He earned the moniker & was ever after called Captain Toenail.
Oh, geez. Sounds like a legitimate diva. I hope the water was Fiji water b/c she sounds like that kind of person. 3 bodyguards is a bit excessive. I don't think even supermodels & famous movie stars have that many with them typically.
Oooooohhh, do tell. Must know more.
Thank you! He really was a hell of a father; I'm blessed to have so many good memories from my childhood & on into adulthood.
My dad was not an overly enlightened guy & I wouldn't describe him as especially liberal or forward thinking, but damned if he wasn't an excellent father to me as a daughter. I was one of three kids and the eldest. I had a younger brother (middle child) & a sister (the baby.) He never once ever discriminated…
It makes me think of the children's book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. I wonder if that's where they got the ratings system from for this one? Great kids' book at any rate.
Actually, that's a good idea! It's been a while since I've read any Dickens & best of all, you can get digital versions of those books for free since they're in the public domain. Thanks for the idea!