

I'm actually glad they didn't let me skip, mainly for that very reason. I think it would have made college so much more awkward & I probably would have been out of my depth socially. It was toughest in elementary school when I wasn't so great at controlling my antsy self in the classroom & it got better as I got

I have that same problem! With finding books to read, that is. I am always on the lookout. I say fifth grade level, but it's an estimation at that point. The books I was reading were Nancy Drew, The Little House on the Prairie books prior to entering kindergarten. I tested at college level well before I got out

Ok, that's pretty entertaining! Just as much as the abridged version, I would say. The whole scenario sounds like something from a comedy.

My favorite fact about myself is that I am a super fast reader. My mom taught me how to read when I was just 2 years old & so I entered kindergarten reading at a fifth grade level. Somewhere along the way I also taught myself how to speed read, I guess, so I can plow through a 400 page book in no time flat. I read

I have to know more. You simply cannot state something like this & then not elaborate! I am so curious...

Yes, yes you will. And it will be beautiful. I left it 9 years ago & haven't missed it for even one minute. 5 years of waiting tables full time in addition to at least one other non-restaurant job or additional administrative/trainer duties for the restaurant I served at. I hope & pray I never have to go back.

I know this is late to the party, but check out Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. It's awesome. Most enjoyable book I've read in a long time & if you have any appreciation at all for 80's culture you'll likely love it.

I had to kick Pierce Brosnan's son out of Space Camp for having sex in the campers' dorm, aka SpaceHab. (I was a Camp Program supervisor there.) I initially talked to his assistant who thought it was best if I talked to Mr. Brosnan himself. That was an awkward conversation.

Thank you!

For real. I am generally not forgetful of my belongings, but everybody has their moments. I once left my purse behind at a Cracker Barrel & realized it about 60 miles down the interstate, resulting in a 120 mile round trip detour in order to go back & retrieve it. Crap happens.

I take mine off when I'm cooking (& I cook a LOT) because it would get disgustingly dirty & the basket & under gallery of my ring are pretty ornate & it's difficult to clean stuff out from under there. Especially anything greasy or dough based. I make a lot of pastries, so it saves me a lot of grief and cleaning.

Hand twins!!! Lol, that's pretty funny. Who knew that was a thing?

Oh & (since I can't freaking edit for some reason anymore, thx Kinja!) if you ever do want to upgrade totally look at sapphires. They are a 9.0 on the Mohs scale of hardness vs a diamond which is a 10, so very durable for everyday, longterm wear. And they are much more affordable than diamonds are. People often

And thank you for the kind words.

Green is my favorite color & amethyst is my birthstone, so I am all about green amethyst! That's a lovely choice & I bet it's a striking color combination. I'd love to see a picture of your ring too!

And yes, I was INCREDIBLY lucky to get it back. My fiance likes to tease me about chucking my ring down the shitter though. Lol.

Here you go!

Bingo! I have a little dish/bowl of some type in almost every room of my apartment that is my jewelry safe zone. One by my bedside, one in the bathroom, one in the kitchen next to the sink, & one on my desk in the living room. Very sound advice. Plus, it's fun looking for & buying little dishes every now & then