Iceberg Stout

Notable predictions from Stephen A. Smith’s ancestors:

Another take: Rickon is a fucking idiot, who threw away the chance for Ned Stark’s only legitimate, non-magic son to rule because he didn’t know how to run serpentine.

Likewise, Portugal didn't make it into La Copa. So I guess they both suck. Whichever player us your favorite, I think we can agree the difference between them is oceanic.

Thanks for the laugh, keep commenting

You're dumb.

I guess he’s been doing it for a while. Found this way back in his history:

I honestly am beginning to think that this guy is playing a joke on us all and we all fell for it. He deserves the Comment of the Year.

Top Kinja, mate.

Translation: I don’t know how the Euro works.

You’ve ruined my life you asshole, I can’t stop watching this and now I’m fired +1

Although Europe is in Argentina:

You know if they come 3rd they get a group winner which would be either Germany or Spain? That’s fucking stupid.

I’m really looking forward to seeing how Brazil rebounds in the Africa Cup of Nations tournament

This is such bullshit messi nut-hugging. Argentina didn't even make it into the tournament but there's always someone around to clame messi is the better player despite terrible results with a far better supporting cast... Just can't bear to admit that cr7 is the best in history

We’re done here.

Austria was also playing too much defense , and will also not get very far playing like that.

Oh, my friend, trust me on this, you really don’t want to know...