
Perhaps it's a "man" thing.. white men get upset when white women date men of other races bc, "she is white.. therefore she is mine and the black man is stealing her." Based on the comments, men of color feel the same way. It boggles my mind that any man regardless of race thinks they can call dibs on the women of the

I LOVED this movie when I was little. I listened to the soundtrack nonstop. I definitely had a crush on Christian Bale but also a weird thing for Bill Pullman (that remains to this day).

I came here to say the same thing, but since it will forever be lost in the greys, here is a present for you, right here:

Eeeeeh. I'm going to be a little more optimistic. I think a lot of times people don't understand something and sometimes they would like to, but they are scared of doing or saying the wrong thing because it's "a touchy subject". Personally, I know I (a middle-class raised white woman) felt this way a long time in

I heard this one for the first time while I was in the yard on my former ship in roughly 2001. The guy spouting it was some crusty old wild-eyed shipyard worker. I couldn't believe an adult would be stupid enough to believe it, but he proved me wrong. Oh, did he ever prove me wrong.

I wore neon stripped leg warmers with matching wrist guards and head band to accent my tutu skirt, shiny leggings and oversized "designer" sweat shirt, but managed to avoid sexually assaulting anyone and getting the mulleted poodle perm that swept my high school.

lol I would love to hear the acapella version of Miami.

Crap, I might have done the worst thing: signed a lease with girls who I didn't get along with- my mistake lasted a whole year. Oh, wait, they're telling me that rape is still worse than that. Yes, that's the word on the street.

never apologize

Oh, I also wore clogs once. That is pretty shameful.

Got a perm and dyed my hair red the same week (my hair was literally a fire hazard at that point), gave my ex my car just so he would move the fuck out of my house, drank tequila from 5pm-2am on my 25th birthday and took a job as one of those horrible people in the mall who want you to take a survey. But nope, still

Yeah, letting your stoned best friend give you a home perm (not recommended) is an "embarrassing youthful incident." Two rape arrests skews more toward "dangerous psychopathy" and should not be allowed anywhere near lawmaking.

I pursued a couple of guys who were clearly not interested. I wore some very bad barrettes on my hair. I wore a few belly shirts. I once drank a lot of mulled wine and vomited it all in a parking lot.

If you click on the Guttmacher research they are counting "induced abortion" and miscarriage wouldn't fall under that category. Miscarriage can also be referred to as "spontaneous abortion." If you have to get a D&C with a miscarriage I doubt they'd call it an "induced abortion" - mostly because doctors don't want to

Once a student plagiarized an article by the US ambassador to South Africa. When confronted, she claimed that HE had stolen it FROM HER.

" if you can use "dialectical materialism" in one sentence then I would expect that you also know to capitalize "Germany" in the rest of your paper"

My favourite, hands down, is the student who plagiarized the thesis of the MacArthur genius grant professor teaching the course I was TAing for. Said professor's head just about exploded when I showed him what was going on.

That is brilliant - I will be plagiarising that and saying to my own students!
Seriously, one of the main things that bothers me when students try this is the fact that they think we'd be stupid enough to fall for it.

Seriously, it's no my first ride at the rodeo, genius! In the last 5 years of teaching I've had to deal with at least 2 serious cases of plagiarism a semester.