Funny how she’s getting threats but Jay-Z just gets a bunch of ribbing memes. Now I wonder why that is...?
Funny how she’s getting threats but Jay-Z just gets a bunch of ribbing memes. Now I wonder why that is...?
“Yale” is trademarked, so you have to get permission to put it on a shirt. having it spelled backwards means the university didn’t approve them.
The explanation provided is that the team wanted to write Yale, but didn’t want to violate licensing or copyright agreements so ELAY was the best they could do.
Betteridge’s Law in full effect.
WTH is up with everyone on here like “I wonder what would have happened if person was x and the other was x” JFC this is racism. We all know it. The child was suspended because he’s black. Quit pretending like there’s some other fucking reason.
A couple of those examples (say, how the slaves brought important knowledge) seem less like attempts at making slavery into a positive thing, and more of a very clumsy attempt to document some kind of... agency or personhood for people who are often only depicted as helpless, faceless, no-impact victims.
I actually think that the world would be a better place is more men did this, instead of fewer women. I’m no expert, but I just feel like it would sure take the sting out of ‘mansplaining’ and other such bullshit if people were a little less inclined to speak as if they knew everything, especially when they don’t.
They put in far too much lycra. I miss 100% cotton jeans.
me too! the only gap jeans i wear now are my “beach jeans” which are kinda baggy and bell-bottomy and i don’t mind if they get sandy and salty because they can’t get any more destroyed-looking than they already did because they were made by the gap.
Same here. I really used to love Gap jeans, but the reality now is that Old Navy’s are cut better and are more in keeping with what more expensive lines are selling. I don’t buy them because they’re cheaper. I buy them because they are way better (and cuter) than anything the Gap is offering these days.
That was my problem as well. I used to LOVE Gap jeans, but I got tired of the fit going from “too tight to breathe” to “these may fall off accidentally” after four hours, so I had to find other pants.
This is great. Making food for people who are having a hard time is one of the best ways to be helpful but not obtrusive. :)
I had a class that used the Roswell incident as the topic for sussing out the facts from the conspiracy theories. Not only did it make for lively class discussion, I actually learned a lot about US aeronautics experiments going on at the time, it was really fascinating and didn't involve genocide!
With so many other…
Religious freedom is a fundamental right, but incorporating a business is not. When you form a corporation, you also take on the corresponding benefits and obligations. If your religious beliefs prohibit you from following through with those obligations, then you must choose between your fundamental,…
Well that's what happens when you continue to socialise contemporary men in the same manner as you did their great grandfathers.
I fucking love Mellie Grant. I mean, would I actually want to know her in real life? No. But I love that she's allowed to be a scheming, plotting, conniving little beast, just like all the boys are. And also she has phenomenal hair.
So in other words, alcohol doesn't create new personality tendencies. In some people, it amplifies those tendencies that are typically hidden or surpressed. An asshole is often more likely to be more of an asshole after drinking.
Perhaps it's a "man" thing.. white men get upset when white women date men of other races bc, "she is white.. therefore she is mine and the black man is stealing her." Based on the comments, men of color feel the same way. It boggles my mind that any man regardless of race thinks they can call dibs on the women of the…