True, Cat is definitely a Tully. Man, the Lannisters really got the lion's share of the brains in Westeros, didn't they? The brains, and the incest. (With so few Targs left, someone had to bear the incest mantle).
True, Cat is definitely a Tully. Man, the Lannisters really got the lion's share of the brains in Westeros, didn't they? The brains, and the incest. (With so few Targs left, someone had to bear the incest mantle).
Agreed. I like Cat, because while she made some bad decisions, she's a competent women who operates within the gender norms of her time, which is an interesting character in fantasy. I feel like we've gotten used to the conniving whore-trope (Cersei) and the warrior princess-trope (Arya, Dany, in some ways Brienne),…
Yes, clearly "ooooh! Do you LIKE her?" is emotional trauma from which he will never recover. Look, I'm sorry your cousins were horrible, because it sounds like they were. That's awful and no one deserves that. But please see my subsequent comments, wherein I explain that if it seems like someone is getting upset,…
Yes, the cat prank cousin brings it up all the time (he's 20 now). He thinks it's hilarious, and yes, he knew we were teasing. Everyone is equally involved in teasing each other (they generally go to my horrific spatial reasoning skills while playing video games to tease me, or the time I was 18 and got creamed by a…
Well, first of all, that cousin was like, 10. And his cat was very skittish and always hid whenever people came over, so not everyone even realized they *had* a cat. It started when everyone was at my parents' house and he mentioned his cat and someone went "What, you have a cat? I've never seen it" and then someone…
I've been noticing an overuse of the world "bullying," for sure, particularly when it's just people being run-of-the-mill assholes. Probably the best example is at Christmas this year, a few of us were teasing our cousin about his new girlfriend (pretty low key "AW YOU LIKE HER" teasing, as is usual amongst cousins. …
"I don't deserve to watch Maddow. Why can't you understand what I've done?"
I live for Brad and Jane. I love them so much.
God, that's going to kill me. Also killing me? My husband being 3/4ths of the way through Clash of Kings so I can't talk about the Red Wedding with him yet.
Well, that photo right there is pretty much a spoiler for Game of Thrones, so...
Right? For there to be close ups from what sounds like multiple angles, wouldn't there be someone operating the camera?
Interesting. Like I said, I'm not doubting that people need it, or that it's unnecessary— I just think the prevalence of advertising makes it seem like something *everyone* should be on. However, in many situations, the side effects are worth the risk. (PS. Your job sounds interesting.)
You guys, the side effects for Abilify sound TERRIFYING. "Muscle spasms that may become permanent?" YIKES. I mean, if you need it, you need it (and you should take it) but the problem with the commercials is they make it sound like something *everyone* should be taking to kickstart their depression meds instead of…
Right? I'm not going to bother, even though I'm tempted. I mean, I'm not at all opposed to breastfeeding (despite what some people seem to think, judging by s0me of these comments) I'm opposed to people claiming that formula is akin to rat poison.
Haha she calls herself a lactivist too. I mean, honestly, there are FAR FAR worse things a parent can do to their child than FEED THE CHILD. You keep on with your bad self.
If that wouldn't start an avalanche of OMG are you pregnant??? speculation, I totally would. (No kids, planning on staying that way for the foreseeable future.)
Oh, hey girl I was talking about. I didn't realize you were on Jezebel too.
I kept her LONG past when I should have just for that dose of anger. I don't even have kids and I want to have them and formula feed them JUST TO PROVE HER WRONG. (Note: This won't happen, so please, other commenters who aren't LaComtesse, do not jump all over me for this.)
If I were a dick, I'd link to this on the facebook page of a college acquaintance who is always posting about how "bad" she feels for women who have been "tricked into thinking formula is okay" and how her kids "won't have to go to the doctor as often as formula fed kids." (Note: she's a stay-at-home mom, so OF…
Hahahahaha thank you for your dedication. Jaime Lannister: Even If He's Fucking His Sister, He's Still Better Than You.