
Not that I’m the N word pass police, but I am a black latina, and I will say that I become enraged when members of my Puerto Rican family who are EXTREMELY light or passing use the N word because it is trendy AF to do so, because THAT is the only time they want to acknowledge the deep African roots in our family. I

Do not apologize for speaking your truth. I’m sorry that happened to you.

The best thing that could have happened to Jordyn Woods is this whole thing, because if it forces her to distance herself from a family she would always be “second” to, she would never see many of the opportunities she likely deserves. Does she miss her best friend? I’m sure any girl that age would, but I hope she

Half black half Rican here- no secret that colorism is still a major problem among Latinos and when they get called out on it, they love to say “oh but we are such a mixed group of people, and my grandmother was this and my garandfather looked like that.” Those comments are not surprising and she is never going to

Yep it was a completely unnecessary


accurate af

YES its almost like gaslighting to me, which is HORRID. Girl, we are all watching you, so why are you acting like a completely innocent party?!

Ughhh. I feel like they are both awful. Bethenney does seem to become absolutely unhinged. She is either rabid, or wounded- no in between. Carole does seem to be dismissive and clearly has some issue and did shit talk the whole time because THEY ALL SHIT TALK.

this. I have a 3.5 year old and a 3 month old. Kids shit in diapers. I can’t imagine caring what they look like. 

Agreed. I didn’t find it offensive, but I do think it was so poorly done it looked like a shit show.

Their Pink line is still active and they also still sell sportswear.

seriously I know 1/3 of the list and i am feeling every bit of my 35 years. 

Yeah I feel like he should have known better than to pull a “Ralph Wigam” on her in front of everyone.

Yep, and every Nana/Granny ever will tell you that “you finish how you start,” or “if he does it with you, he’ll do it to you.” This is always what I think of when I read this shit.

where do you live? i’d like to come by and pet daisy.

this is me. Except I also have a toddler so Its like having two pet sized creatures who take up a ton of space...I think they plot to kick me off the bed.

who the fuck actually thought this was a great idea?

this is how Lena Dunham should have responded. I appreciated the complexity and honesty of her emotions.

“We live in a country where everyone has the right to voice their opinion, however, we have zero tolerance for violence [AND RACISM], and public safety is always our number one priority,” he said.