
I literally just went through this! I have tattoos and just landed a job after moving to LA and its at a fairly conservative place. The bet thing I could do was go with a capsule wardrobe, mostly black and white. I got these pull on, no wrinkle pants that I KNOW fit me well and bought them in 4 colors. The shirts are

This. Fuck everyone for their “well community colleges take ANYONE” bs. This sounds like the words of someone shitting on their accomplishments under the guise is concern.

While I get what you are saying, the part of me who knows his area and what these kids have to go through in life and at school will take this opportunity to tell you to fuck off.

This- people have NO idea how bad it is because there is so little main stream info, and I suspect if they really knew, they would be even more horrified !

If you are from Maryland, you know this is the most ocean city news to ever come out of ocean city.

God bless you. I hate that show.

Nah, Girl.

my favorite fucking gif ever


I almost flung myself off the balcony upon hearing some news anchor here in L.A. report on it like this

My Dear Aunt Oprah always said, when someone shows you who they are, believe them

Hi, this is me. An apple, a tea pot, a turnip on its side. And I just have a hard time with it all until I see a girl with a gut made even worse by a c- section scar on the cover. That would be amazing. A woman who isn’t the right kind of plus, or who has a flat ass and huge boobs and a gut would make me cry tears.

So fucking good.

I just cackled . Thank you.

is that an ass spatula??!?!

But see “Black” isn’t a country so....

nope. its true. our kid is ALWAYS WATCHING.

who the fuck is bella thorne?

Yeah When I hear that argument, I get annoyed bc I think of the 53453453453453 people who lost their shit when someone suggested Idris Alba for James bond, and said “NO HE IS BLACK OMG” and suddenly, you can’t see why saying “oh we CAN’T cast an Asian” makes no sense? sigh I hate hollywood

Myself and all my brown kinfolk are team palmers all the way, and any other product is completely unecessary. It is literally frosting for SMOOOOV Brown Skin.