
I was a sorority girl who kinda jumped ship after a year for various issues, but of all issues to take hold to, this was not one. I can tell you, every single frat or sorority, multicultural (like mine), white, black, whatever- they have this rule. I don't know what value was added by stressing how it was super

HAHAHA on Dinesh determining who has experienced the black experience!

this gif <3

I just don't even understand this. This looks like the strips of toilet paper left over on the roll that I can't get off.

People are trippin. This dude is not hot.

me too! I enjoyed those useless but entertaining facts!

My mom also loves THE SECADA lol

I totally remember this and was saying to my husband the other day, "I remember when VH1 was nothing but pop up video and unplugged performances of people I didn't know."

Viola is a BRICK HOUSE. I hope she trusts everywhere she goes.

HAHHA! that first gif is so wondrous.

I would have said the exact same thing she did. And sadly, Trump would have acted in the exact same way. An opportunistic asshole such as himself would not be able to resist.

That biden pic = funniest shit I've seen this week so far. Also, poor NORAD santa tracker!

Well said. Although I think the counter rant was strange, I agree that some good may come from it and maybe he will have the Ah-Ha moment were realizes that these things are connected and he needs to not be selectively outraged. Let's hope!

Yep I can agree. It IS convenient that this is what he gets enraged about, you know? And I think that happens A LOT from him and others, so the criticism is accurate, but I just also feel like its just how people are. I think I probably even do it, you know?

I get what he is saying, however, I still feel as though if he wants to be outraged, allow him to be. I get really annoyed when people do this kind of thing. I know people want to dictate to others how to prioritize their rage, but come on. What was the purpose of this?

LOL see i've never watched that show and I had no idea!

I know. I fully acknowledge it. But damnit, I want to have sex with him and I can't help it. (that is my formulated sexist response. Is it accurate?)

LOVE Jazmine Sullivan. Where is that woman? MORE JAZMINE!

my fave response to that post thus far-good way to highlight how stupid the whole shit show is sometimes.