
motherfucking permission slips?! BITCH PLEASE.

precisely what I just said....glad rigmarole sums it up!

the black media should stay neutral?!

why thank you! :-) Honestly, I read so many "OH MY GOD YOU WILL ALL DIE" lists that I'm like fuck it, I'm doing my best. To give you some perspective, I felt awful for eating taco bell in my first month of pregnancy bc it was so not good for you (but soooo tasty) that I cried and cried one day after eating it, and

6 months here. Reading this as I meal prep (ugh, who am I?) and put everything into plastic containers....

BRING IT! I didn't know they were!!!!!

I didn't know they were real until NOW!!!!!!!!

We did an old school bop to Get Down On It by Kool and the Gang and it was amazing.

SO good!

they better not EVER apologize. EVER. That is like asking the clippers to apologize for the solidarity they showed against donald sterling. NOPE. don't apologize.

I've been crying all morning bc of pregnancy hormones, but this made me feel ALLLLLLLL better.

I had the pleasure of photographing Pelosi for a small Baltimore event a few months back and wanted to badly to curl in her lap and be like, "tell me a Boehner Story..."

People are so damn ungrateful.

I'm not gay no more. I am delivered!

Thanks, Piers! Finally- a solution.

I definitely feel like no matter what, I have an opinion- Like, when this girl put her water birth, in all it's glory, on facebook. I was half in awe, half terrified, half WTF. However, no matter what my opinion is, it doesn't matter- she did what works for her, and it isn't my place to shove anything on anyone, and

That magazine cover!

OOPS, I mean the OTHER song. Habits. ugh.

I cannot, for the life of me, stand this song. I am so sorry.

I am generally outraged all the time on a daily basis, but I can't even begin to say how, for some reason, I internalized this yesterday and for some reason, of all the things I've experienced as a black woman, this is something that brings up a lot of gross ickiness.