
I hope they send Melania and Donnie a save-the-date card, but never send an invitation.

Dear Bono: Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

Just gotta get through this, Melania, she thinks as she walks through the whispering wood. Just gotta get through this.

Will there be cake?

The health insurance lobby will not let that slide without a huge, economically crippling fight. Just think of how they would love it if I paid the government instead of them!

Poor civic education and rural poverty. These basically keep feeding each other, generation after generation of ignorance and hatred—especially in the rural South, which never recovered economic influence since the Civil War was lost, the Industrial Revolution shifted economic power to the cities.

Oh absolutely they need to pull together! But only in local communities and only voluntarily, not with taxation (because taxation is theft you see!) If the government would just butt out then everyone would voluntarily donate enough money to take care of all the problems even MORE efficiently!

I guess it’s our way. I read a little bit about the Dutch system in a book earlier in the year — I like the idea of being able to switch insurance provider at any time, for no cost, to fit one’s need. That’s a nice feature.

It’s a simple question with a complex answer. The meat of it is that we don’t have any transparency or consistency on pricing. Follow that with fear of change, and fear of “rationing” (even though all health care is rationed to some degree). There’s also an innate distrust of government that we’ve always had, plus a

Because our nation of 350 million people is wildly different than the Netherlands

Because there’s been decades of indoctrination into the belief that taxes are evil, full stop.

Right into oblivion.

It’s not even repubs exclusively, more how deeply embedded insurance is in the medical industry overall. Everyone hates it, including insurers, but no one has the guts to overhaul the system with a more sensible single-payer version because it’s so interwoven into our economy. That’s how Dems went from “Universal

“Because the United States is just so big we can’t possibly depend on the system of such a small country”

Dutch high five for some decent healthcare! Now if only we could get Trump’s new anti-gay pro-life ambassador to skedaddle, that would be wonderful! 

Because the cost markups are crazy here. Things that are cheap over there cost 10 to 50 times (if not more) here. If you have decent insurance, your insurance has “negotiated” a cheaper rate with the care provider. You insurance covers “most” of that “cost” and you pay a super reduced rate.

I don’t even speak to my republican coworkers after one fucker told me “I guess you’ll be moving back to somalia now” on November 9th. I work at a nonprofit in Silicon Valley and have never lived in HOA.

Whoever released that statement can’t define “trauma”

Beautiful. Poignant. I’m gutted that he’ll never see it.

Maybe not black people, but certainly not many Aryans.