Listen, we’re not talking some grand unified theory of self-defense and the ethics therein.
Listen, we’re not talking some grand unified theory of self-defense and the ethics therein.
You are correct that duck-and-cover drills were originally designed as supposed protection from a nuclear attack. but they were maintained as a psychological exercise so citizens could feel as though they actually would be able to do something constructive to protect themselves from a nuclear attack. Experts initially…
I don’t think that was the point of duck-and-cover drills.
The far right throughout Europe is gaining too much ground. I wish y’all luck as we continue the fight against our fascist in this country.
I don’t now what they’re thinking when they say “Make America Great Again” only to conclude they mean back around the mid-20th century when this country was MORE white than it still is today. Where civil rights wasn’t an issue and when white men had all the power and influence instead of just most of it today.
Ahh so duck and cover exercises will be back in schools.
Is... is there any support, outside Donald Trump’s warped mind, for an expanded nuclear arsenal? I could see support for modernizing the arsenal. But growing it? I don’t even think the GOP can get behind that. It’s not cheap to maintain the nuclear force, and we get literally zip-doodly-nothing out of creating a…
It’s less about the pre-installed bloatware and more to do with the ability to individually choose quality components, unlike most of what comes in the typical pre-built unit.
Hehe, and you don’t get all the pre-installed crap store-bought PCs give ya...
I read the whole letter and it’s spot-on. These women are class acts.
When society can get over the “is it manly enough” talking point and progress on wards, it will be a great day. I hold nothing but disdain for gamers who will trash a game or a character, not because it might be broken or poorly controlled, but instead it may look as if it has a vagina or only suitable for folks with…
Sure. Bro/sis hug?
I made a similar comment earlier (sorry). But seriously, what a hypocritical POS.
sometimes you gotta let people rejoice in their bliss without interruption, how about that
A hat on every cat! A crown upon every hound. So shall it be. For ever and ever amen.
Amen, brother (atheist)!
i managed to throw up once on a lethal combo of alcohol and weed within my first 4 months of college
You know, his father is right. We do need to have a discussion about alcohol and campus culture.
My apologies, You certainly got a point, my anger got the best of me...
No, they're men. Bad men, disgusting men but they are men. I hate this this person is not a real man trope.