
Being psychotic, and coming back out of it, doesn’t erase youre memories of that episode (trust me, I know), so the least you can do is either explain yourself, or try to make things right again, part of trying to be a decent human being... Us psychiatric patients are not (at least don't have to be) stupid...

Not really, given the social intricacies a black man faces when dating a white woman. Chapter one should definitely be, “The Law Won’t be on your side."

I didd’t find out about them until after they launched, though I bought the game (Shadowrun is such a great setting), but the episodes IMO are really short and mediocre and much of the fan-made content seems to be pretty buggy and incomplete.

Society says it isn't. Worldwide and throughout modern history. And until society changes it, it will remain so

.........dudes just have inferiority complexes.

Scary (and depressing) to think that a lot of the ignorance & hate for biracial children or even minorities in general might be due to lack of understanding of genetics (and science in general). I know this is probably obvious, which makes the lack of education so alarming.

That kind of pregnancy nearly killed my grandmother. Her fallopian tube burst so all 5 of her kids came from the only connected ovary. They all look alike so they say she kept pressing the "copy" button.

We have those too, my friend loves his support dog more than his wife.