
The Cake Is A Lie

Muahahaha, that came back to bite her in her (probably) non-existent ass....

Read the piece, even over here in the Netherlands, Mr Obama is sorely missed...

Hmmm, maybe he has ‘Being-Worshipped-Overdose’...

Unless they have a Baklava fetish... ;)

Insightful, even if I try to keep up a straight moral compass, it is necessary to be occasionally re-educated by someone who has been there...

Dunno what this man is Doctor of, certainly not the school of common sense and mutual respect...

Hehe, they really don’t get it, do they? I love the show, but Rick is an asshole who leaves a trail of destruction and misery, which is sort of the point of the show... Methinks these uberfans are dwelling in a power fantasy,,,

It warms my soul to notice there are still people crazier than myself...

The power of the tinfoil hat is strong in him...

In a capitalistic society even an idea can become a marketable product, just use common sense, nothing wrong with ordering out for pizza, as long as you don’t do it every day, cut down on sugars and fats, move around more (even that doesn’t have to cost money, a long walk is just as healthy as running around with a

I feel your pain, but i don’t understand it, just let it be known that i hope you get the care you need, and feel alright about yourself whatever shape you have (the inside counts the most)... ;)

Mabey, ehh, not supply guns to the populace that easily... ?

Hehe, ‘freedom of speech’ is not freedom of consequences...


Ahh, this is even better than my morning mug of coffee and a sigarette... Gonna share this one on my FB... :)

Yup, they are everywhere, our colonial history bred them, our capitalistic and narrow-minded system sheltered them... Now the world is slowly changing, and they’re losing their shit... I’ve had to remove several people from my FB for posting bigoted racist shit, this stuff is getting rapidly normalized, not only over

Aaaand that was nice, we might be at the end of our winning streak... ;)

He looks pretty beat up and creepy, has got the dead eyes thing going...

In my experience you mostly need mutual respect and understanding with the people you are dealing with, and then you just can say ‘i think...’