
Own it Girrrrrrrrrrrl!

But but isn’t this just the free market at work? Sucks to be an entitled bastard who just lost a boon... ;)

We had a good run for a couple (many) of centuries, whe were spoiled by the church and the state (not always, check your history), and promised cheap labour (as in slaves), pseudo-scientists invented craniology to support this, the church declared that black people couldn’t understand the concept of a god, and things

That was glorious, i suspect something fused in his brain during conversation...

Ya know, if you want to get to know somebody, observe how they treat you and others around them, actions speak louder than words, this guy believes the whole world revolves around him...

True, i hear you, but i’m choosing not to hear you... ;)

That’s even better!

Hehe, yeahh, works out... ;)

It’s not that cut and dried, rampant capitalism makes for very short-term decisions, especially when when political parties are bought, its a loop...

I agree, a nation thrives with a well-educated and healthy populace, most of our exprt is knowledge...

Yeahh, it’s usually on a per year basis, they’re forced to give that option by the government, also, if it would disapear, there would be riots in the streets... ;)

Yeahh, yeahh i know socialist government is a bad word over by you guys, however, if everybody (including the government and companies) pull their weight, it would be better for everybody (including the rich)... Over here healtcare insurers make bulk agreements with medicine companies and hospitals, and divide the

Well, from over here i can tell ya, universal healthcare works, and actually saves money in the long run... ;)

Yeahh, there’s too many selfish incentives to enrigh themselves in that game-plan... :(

Ahh, that is very sad, so people don’t believe they have to pull together?

Yeahh, but it shouldn’t be too difficult for well meaning politicians to find a workable solution that helps the most people, Trumps proposal is not exactly gonna cut it...

Hmmm, yeahh, the free market will regulate itself right? Uhuhh...

Just a point of contrast, i live over in the Netherlands, i pay about a 160 euros a month (including the stuff i have to pay myself) for coverage of healthcare, and yes, pre-existing conditions are covered, why is that so difficult in the ‘Land of the Free’?

I’m over in Europe, we’ve got many different languages surrounding us, and except for the Germans and French we don’t replace speech, for subtitles you need a comfortable wide screen, since most non-american movies expect you to pay attention to detail, and also read up when you can’t understand the language...

Yeahh, because making youself better is all about appearing to be a better person and not actually be one... :(