
I’d argue that anyone that voted for Hillary in the primaries got us here. People just didn’t get that anyone that wasn’t for her, really, really didn’t like/trust her. It was the same as Trump. I think *any* other reasonable candidate would have handily beaten Trump.

No, its thanks to the DNC propping up a shit candidate.

If it wasn’t for the French we’d all be speaking English.

If it weren’t for the French, the British would have kicked our colonial ass. So, yeah, that was pretty ballsy, too. Google “Lafayette” sometime. Or have someone show you how.

What’d this guy do to deserve such treatment?

No, it’s possible to be aware of the presence while failing to predict an unforeseen action by that presence.

This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I

“It was horrible.”

So it sounds like you maybe have your mind made up about this guy, but hear me out for a minute.

Better a millenial than another jaded boomer. I would rather no experience than years of bad experience at this point.

Helpful reader critique: You guys seem to think that using the word “dong” for home run is funny. It is not funny.

Several of the Gospel were written by some of the original 12 apostles.
That seems to break the absolute statement you made in the second assertion.

In regards to the issues of decades, we have many examples of people writing fairly accurate memoirs of memories that occurred decades ago. Autobiographies, etc. How high

In my experience of getting a bunch of concussions at various levels of competition, and then visiting a leading concussion center after 6+ years of Post Concussion Syndrome, they’re not supposed to be that easy. When you’re concussed, questions you have burned into your head are easy to answer unless you’re in really

Nice to see at least one article putting a positive spin on Ossoff’s win!

“He exceeded expectations by winning just over 48 percent of the vote, which is better than Hillary Clinton did just eight months ago (she lost to Trump 47 percent to 48 percent).”

When a person signs up for the military literally thousands and thousands of dollars are spent training them. In the case of the special forces it’s hundreds of thousands spent on each soldier. The military views each soldier as an expensive weapon. This is why the speed limits on base are so restrictive and why they

I think 1 fire on a sub probably is enough.

Yes, its worth remembering the wishful thinking that went into that monumental goose chase. It might have been cheaper and more effective to bomb Iraq with actual money, rolls of pennies and nickels for starters.

I think they assume they are old enough that the impact to THEIR lives will be minimal in their lifetime and truly don’t care about anyone else. I’m not even kidding. It’s the best reasoning I can come up with of why some people just don’t care.

Seriously. Are we talking the kind of absolute certainty that we had about WMD before we spent billions of taxpayer dollars on going to war in Iraq?