
We tried being U.K. Didn’t take.

Yawn call me when they have a smoking gun and can impeach him at this point it’s just bluster and smoke so if you’ll excuse me i’ll be busy concocting scenarios that get pence and Paul Ryan removed from office too.

NASA learned from the Scotty School of Engineering’s class of lowballing estimates.

Well hell, all that gazing into other men’s eyes I’ve done sounds gay as fuck now. Thanks a lot, Ben Boulware.

Ha-ha! Seriously, young people drop dead from electrolyte imbalances all the time under regimes like this. It’s amazingly unwise.

When you are hunting or at a range, that is definitely the worst part.

It is when you’re trying to kill someone undetected.

Hadn’t considered that. Makes sense!

I guess all I am saying is that I can’t fault a student for wanting to attend a Harvard or a Yale over a small HBCU.

OK. Serious discussion on titles and labels. IMO, an IT guy, a keyboard jock, is not an engineer. He took computer language and programming classes in school. Likely no physics, no chemistry, no electrical engineering...none of the classes other engineers are required to take. Back in the day, they were called

Hmmm not sure how to answer that. :) I seemed to have been born with lung issues, and these have been improved or made worse by the region I live in. I didn’t actually have full blown asthma until I moved to the Willamette Valley in Oregon, which is apparently 2nd worst place in the world for allergies. The

No one needs a Boston.


Maybe NBA dudes should have to graduate from college

I literally only work with executives, and I’ve never known a single one to pick up his kids at 3 pm unless his wife was sick. There is far more talking and meetings in a CEO’s daily life than computer work, but if your CEO is on his/her computer for 50%+ of the time (which seems like legitimate work), the company is

Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing

Nah. My CEO works his ass off, at least 12 hours a day, is on call and working much more often than I am. Does a good job of insulating the staff from most of the stupid-crazy people.

“Planes goes into hangar or sit outside at an airport facility.”

Hmmm. I’m thinkin’ California is on it’s own because Trump didn’t get that many electoral votes from that state. This is made worse because he didn’t win the popular vote there. Worse still, California contemplated succession from the USA.

Very clearly unpopular opinion, but my parents paid for my college education. Grad school was a different story. However, my Mother explained it as it was her choice to have a child, and the costs that come along with raising one. For her, me attending college was never not an option, so that was always a bill she was