
Well for starters, let’s not conflate goth and cutting. I’m the oldest of four. I’m the only one who went full goth (all black and boots and industrial music and piercings and tattoos). My cutter sisters? Abercrombie athlete and arty lesbian.

Bravo! This bitch is giraffe neck deep in the Russian grift. Lock her up!

I will never stop flipping out about how she left her newborn to vacation with Putin’s girlfriend. I know I veer close to shaming new moms who take some time for themselves, but this was a whole ‘nother thing. A sociopathic thing.

Covert incest certainly fits, and I’m sure she would have everyone’s sympathy and support if she wanted to get away from it and stop using the dynamic for her own enrichment. But she’s thirty-five, with children of her own to protect and enough money to never have to answer to anyone again, and she still opts to stay

Of the 70,000 words in her book, almost 23,000 (approximately 33 percent) are, literally, not her words—that is, they’re quotations or bulleted guides from another writer.
I wish I could have gotten away with that kind of ratio in college

Does anybody actually believe she wrote anything? The book was curated by a multitude of people working at Portfolio. She wrote this book like her dad raised cattle for his steaks.

This is good trolling:

Can we also talk about how intense the uproar was that after Obama (one of the greatest orators of our time) got paid $400,000 for a speaking engagement, and how upset people were that the Obama’s secured such a lucrative book deal for themselves, but somehow Ivanka is entitled to have been paid nearly a million

Her “book”, which barnacles into other women’s work that are far more brilliant and empathic than she is, is shameless. Her position in the Trump family is such a weird one; I think we all are sort of more and more repelled by her as time goes on. She’s not particular smart, or savvy, or even beautiful, but she’s

In other words, this is a poorly written book report that is lacking in any original thought and does not include the appropriate citations. My high school teachers would not have told me to rewrite it, and my college professors would have flunked me. Ivanka gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, though, and I

The unfortunate part of all this is she will once again reap rewards that are bogus. There are a lot of women out there (not me) who are mesmerized by her and her success. Hey, all she did before being daddy’s adviser was knock off designer clothing/shoes and slapped her name on it. It’s not rocket science.

Haven’t had the pleasure of reading Ivanka’s masterpiece, but just curious does she offer any advice for women in Asia earning 60¢ an hr. making her crap?

Listen up pampered rich fuckers: if you have a nanny, you are not raising your kids and working. Period. Don’t pretend to be like the rest of us normals, because you are not. Not normal! Fuck off.

“I’ve curated my best thinking...” I just cannot with this. 

Dear Ivanka The Terrible,

Fuck I fucking hate her and her fucking family.

Plagiarism in the Trump family? Sad. Unprecedented.

Ivanka, we already had a wonderful female role model in the White House. Her name was Michelle Obama.

Let’s be honest: likely 99% of the words aren’t hers. This is ghost written.