I’m not sure, but I thought I read that Trump will have no pardon powers if he is impeached. Maybe if Trump is impeached, then the others are prosecuted, then he can’t pardon anyone. I don’t know. We may be breaking new ground here.
I’m not sure, but I thought I read that Trump will have no pardon powers if he is impeached. Maybe if Trump is impeached, then the others are prosecuted, then he can’t pardon anyone. I don’t know. We may be breaking new ground here.
You know, I was thinking about this today. As much as I would like it to happen, no woman is going to win 2020. So we had 8 years of a black man, then god forbid a woman almost won, and now impeachment of a privileged white man - there is going to be some serious backlash from a large number of voters as punishment.…
Yeah, that the hearing that I watched.
and a small one.
Don’t make me cry Holly!
Hi Freddie! That face is HILARIOUS! So cute.
Have you not seen ROCKSTAR Adam Schiff’ tweet? It is a masterpiece and fuels Twitterdom’s ruminations on Schiff’s cock being the size of a boa constrictor:
Agreed. But I would like to also add that Pence and Ryan are going down also - it’s just questionable if we will have prez Pence for a short amount of time though.
Melania looks like a lizard, a very nasty lizard with creepy eye slits and leathery skin.
...Do you think that people who so wantonly violate our democracy give a fuck about phone calls?
The whole thing is vile and disgusting. The racism is just the cherry on top for these evil fuckers. They are actively working to oppress the entire population #withfewexceptions.
How much of a five alarm dumpster fire does that thing have to be for even that person to recognize it as ‘’mean.”?
Thank God there are still good people around - much respect.