
Here’s a good picture

Let me introduce you to Kim and it will all fit together...

I LOL’d. Awesome.

Nah, Elfwich be like:

Me too, I LOL’d.

It means he hit on a female airline worker and she rejected him. And his teeny tiny pee-pee was sad.

I’m sorry, but in what world does this happen?

Bet you she will get her own show “Say Yes to the Immigrants”

Yeah, this sounds like a diet.

Nah, she loves those Chinese women and empowers them every day. They can even bring their children to work in the sweatshop.

Their book title could be “Two Cunts in a Pod”

I am you = You are me

Chavanka’s like: I’m learning, it’s early on.

“The German audience is not that familiar with the concept of a first daughter.”

Is there a term in German to express “I want to slap this vapid, arrogant brat so hard all her plastic surgery implodes but I won’t because I have actual class.”?

You need to caption her picture:

“I grew up in a house where there was no barriers...”

You are doing the Lord’s work. Carry on.

I’d like to ask you, what is your role, and who are you representing, your father as president of the United States, the American people, or your business?”