
I wish I had a dollar for every time I was not invited to a “couples” event - cuz you know it would be so uncomfortable to have a single person messing up the “couples” vibe with all that stuff that only they understand.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Vagina Steamer

I was pretty dumbstruck too. I think she was actually under the impression that her son was still a pristine virgin and she was trying to, I don’t know, make his wedding night special, but a) that is horrifying on another level, b) I’m guessing my MIL and I had different tastes in lingerie, and c) her son was in

My next wedding invite will be returned with a quick note “Hi Mary. I’m so happy for you and John, and I’d love to attend your wedding. However, due to my limited budged (read poor), I’ll only be able to afford a gift of about $50.00 Do you still want me to attend?”

The Executive Order makes no mention of Kushner or his position or nepotism.

“Crowdfunding campaign seeks to purchase search history of lawmakers who killed internet privacy”

I don’t know, is it?

President Trump’s company is actively seeking to open a second Washington hotel as part of a planned nationwide expansion, potentially creating another venue where he stands to benefit financially from customers doing business in the nation’s capital.

But this isn’t the creation of an agency,

So then what of the brand new department he created specifically to give Kushner to run? That’s not an agency?

House Republicans: We can’t release Trump’s taxes, we must protect his privacy

Also House Republicans: Here’s everyone’s browsing data

All white, all male.

They are saying that Nunes is only worth $51k. I’m betting his off-shore accounts are LOADED.

Yup. And no matter how many times they jerk off with lavender lotion, their nads still smell like moth balls and Geritol.

Everytime I look at him, I feel bad for the women he pays to fuck him.