talking and laughing around the water cooler saying “like we’d ever vote for a woman president. Guffaw, guffaw.”
talking and laughing around the water cooler saying “like we’d ever vote for a woman president. Guffaw, guffaw.”
I was dumbfounded and slackjaw watching everyone letting Trump slide. I was waiting for them to offer some hookers, blow, and a footrub because they didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable. He never answers a question; just goes on some retarded, lie-filled tangent - and the other person nods like it’s all good.
I missed the Hanks clip - maybe that was for the best.
You know, I’ve been trying to find some bright side here.
“Clinton is asking donors for $353,400 for two seats at the head table with herself, Clooney, and his wife, Amal, at...the event in San Francisco. The next night, the Clooneys will host A $33,400 per person fundraiser for Clinton at the couple’s Los Angeles home.”
She was smiling and absolutely composed, even as Bill occasionally looked near tears behind her
Yes, apparently that could be the case.
White women can be misogynists, too. I know plenty.
Or how about a hierarchy of hatred:
“College educated”
I have mixed feelings about what you said. I mostly agree but all the information about Trump and his horribleness (personal and business) are out there for all to see - and easy to find with a 30 second Google search. I found it all.
Journey - Don’t stop Believing
Thanks, I read the link. I had not heard that he may be autistic. If he is, it does seem to be mild so that is good.
Ugh, I know. Melania the First “Lady.”
I got the vibe that it was the first time ever in his entire life that he actually had to do something other than what his Id wanted.
So what’s up with Cheeto Jr.? Did anyone notice him standing there during the acceptance speech - twitching, making faces, and fussing?
She is not my favorite candidate but clearly superior to Trump.