
no, thanks. Normally, it's "fool me once... fool me twice..." With Intel Graphics, it's been them trying to fool us for the past 20 years. don't people ever learn?

because the PS3 was a lonely system. no party chat. all your friends had the 360.

this source can't be very accurate because Windows RT only runs on ARM processors. Windows 8 runs on x86/x64 processors. now, if he meant that the games were WinRT, that's entirely different as that's the new framework available for both Windows RT and Windows 8. a lot of people confuse WinRT and Windows RT because

looks like rocks to me...

how do you forget the gorgeous Mariko from Kareteka? deadly too if you go into a fighting stance!

you made me think of Gears of War with your comment. imagine that your furniture is broken and decayed to put you in the mindset that you're walking around a broken Sera. some neat ideas can come out of this.

i think the lighting effect at 2:10 has great possibilities. imagine you die and your entertainment center turns gray or shades of red. or the amazing pulse effect at 2:17. that was just so surreal.

really? the cutscenes were terrible in Reach. not only a bad framerate but weird interlacing-like issues.

haha. Luigi planking at 2:50

"it doesn't look like I'm going to win so I'm just going to end this game right now." the funny thing is how resistant people were to a mouse and windows in the beginning. why use windows when you can do everything in DOS? why use a mouse when a keyboard is better?

perspective? in 2006 alone, the CDC reported there were 31000 deaths due to firearms alone. want perspective? 43000 in that same year die in car accidents. 37000 died from poisoning. you're almost as likely to be shot as being poisoned...

pretty much... we're within earshot of Columbia...

that is one sexy Vulcan! who is she???

you can die from anything. too much water and you die (water intoxication).

you're interpreting the chart wrong. it's about access and availability. there are far less illicit drugs out there compared to the thousands of drugs as well as a huge difference in consumer accessibility to those illicit drugs.

you see complexity in this?

eh... I'll take the birthday sex instead...

wow. 40 sq ft of living space... i think my closet is bigger than that.

ahhh... Transformers were a wonderful part of my childhood. my heart sank when my mom gave them away when I was at college. I had such a huge collection.