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I'm glad to know he's finally being tried for Tupac's murder.

I hope he does this with his motion capture process. That kicks ass. I'd totally watch a Back to the Future remake in mo-cap. Andy Serkis for Doc Brown!

I swear if this is a remake of "I Love Lucy" with an all asian or black cast…can't we just leave the classics alone???

Why bother? It's not like it's being directed by George Lucas. And will it have ANY of the original cast? If you ask me, I don't even consider this film canon. Six and done, I say.

Pathetic. More hollywood nepotism like Lena's famous artist parents no doubt pulling strings. Why can't the Simpsons get back to the classic years, 2000-2010 when they had established guest stars like Steve Buschemi or Emily Blunt? The only handout I get from my parents is money for my new DSLR, and that has always

Pft, improv is for people who don't know how to write. Like all real screenwriters, I write my scripts and every bit of dialog, and sometimes it takes me a day or more to do it, and if I have to do another draft (which is rare) I will.

God talk about the decline of Western Civilization. If I bought magazines, I'd stop buying Time because where are all the good filmmakers and artists and leaders in this bunch? Just give up Time. I'm gonna go listen to some legit artistic work now. Watch me some early P.T. Anderson before he started getting all

Found footage films are so cliche, why are they even reviewing them? Like, I see my classmates in production 1 talking about doing a found footage film, and I just wanna say "God do something original," like my new short film, about a detective investigating a serial killer, only the twist is HE'S the killer and

God Cannes has so totally sold out to the industry. This fest is being led by Americans? Where are the legit European masters? I just discovered this kick ass filmmaker called Antonioni. They should show more of his stuff at that fest. Keep Cannes pure!

Oz needs a gritty reimaging. I'd love to see Christopher Nolan or Zach Snyder tackle this one. Maybe like set it in feudal Japan, or the streets of New York circa Goodfellas. Zooey Deschanel would make an awesome Dorothy.

What the hell is Charlize Theron doing directing this? Friggin Hollywood nepotism giving plum directing gigs to people without directorial chops. How's she possibly going to be able to handle the action scenes? This should really be directed by John McTiernan. The man's due for some redemption after all the

I've never even heard of "William Zero," but I love when movies like this get restored to how their directors intended. Fucking producers never have heard of the auteur theory. Does anyone know if this reconstruction is like a definitive one like "Blade Runner," or does it have a few missing scenes like in "Touch of

It's bullshit that shows like Serial and now this are getting credit for the true crime craze of which you speak. The Coen Brothers' "Fargo" arguably launched the true crime genre all the way back in '96. Here's an idea for a documentary: the search for that lost buried money. You think it'd have turned up by now

Legend has it they buried a shit ton of atari cartridges out in a desert somewhere because they didn't sell on account of being shitty games. That'd be awesome to go digging for them. I bet you could ebay them. Hipsters would be all over that shit.

AI was perfect right up until Steven Spielberged that ending with all that schmaltz about the mom and the goddamn teddy bear. Such a stupid upbeat ending, when it would've been a frigging masterpiece if they'd just lingered on the kid trapped in ice forever like how I'm sure Kubrick intended. What the hell was he