Only Loki

You are ignoring the part where he had a Warrant for his arrest. I’m not an apologist I just hate when people pick the wrong story to get outraged by. In this instance, the cops weren’t wrong. There are tons of times when they are actually wrong and nobody mentions them.

I’m in Detroit. I replaced my 18's on my taurus for 20's 245 45's. Funny thing is it was the 18's that blew up from road damage. I haven’t had many problems from the 20's. I did hit a pothole that detached my tire from the bead. It slow leaked for a day. I took it to a shop they put some more adhesive on and told me I

Im so tired of this story. He didn’t have his paperwork stating that he was allowed to paint the wall and he got arrested for having a warrant for unpaid parking tickets. The police did thier job. They arrested a person who appeared to be breaking the law and couldn’t reasonably prove otherwise. News sites are blowing

I was thinking this or a GTR. Sure the GTR is kinda ugly but it is a monster that is easy to drive fast.

I have some with no lip and they look nice on my taurus.  Yes I'm aware those are Chrysler rims.  There weren't any Ford rims I liked.  I didn't want to get the sho rims on my sel either.

1990 ford Taurus 3,050LBS

I feel like a BRZ would fit him as well. 30k new! It has the aftermarket.  It hasn't been around for ten years but it's Subaru and Toyata's love child.

I actually just listened to mindhunters opposed to watching it for the most part. Because the acting is exaggerated like a stage play and the soundtrack is fantastic, I found it to be a great listen. I’m sure I missed some very interesting visuals. I did watch the first 10 minutes so I’m sure missed a lot of visuals.