
Judy is queen and the 1954 version of A Star is Born is superior even with all the cuts and she was robbed of her well-deserved Oscar. I am near tears anytime I even hear The Man that got Away.

The way you guys talked about Patricia Arquette vs. how you guys are talking about Monique is like night and day. Never change Jezebel comments. Never change...

Dear white racist people of twitter,

Juan Pablo was Latino, but his race was White. Nice try producers.

Willow Smith is my spirit animal.

But didn't Mary J. Blige accuse K-ci of abusing her throughout their entire relationship in the 90s.

Lauren Conrad is like a young Martha Stewart. Only she's totally boring and lacks any significant personality traits to still be a celebrity, so maybe she's not like Martha Stewart at all. She is not a young Martha Stewart, I take it back. Martha Stewart is all awesomeness. LC seems nice though.

I am disappointed in this article. I really wish that we would stop making everything about race. As a black woman who watches most of the real housewives franchises, I was not thinking about race when this incident happen. I was thinking that this is something that Andy and Bravo encourage on every season of every

She is definitely serving some Myrtle Snow realness in that first pic.

I'm sure she hates you too, so it's even right?

How I feel about people who try to insult T-Boz

I live for Mama Pope. She may be a psycho murderer, but at least she dresses well and her hair is laid. I LIVE!

I love Daya! She keeps me coming back. This whole Piper and Vause thing is such a drag. It's all about Daya, Bennett, and pornstauche.

This is only mildly related to this post, but seriously I've always loved LC. She always seemed so nice. I like her. Don't judge.

I loves me some her.

Those are two different guys. Mind Blown! I've been thinking superman was a douche for years. My bad. Forgive me man of steel. You're no douche after all. Proceed.

I want to go there!

My little poopie Chase (Maltese/poodle). My love.