Thank you. The responses on here have been incredibly gross.
Thank you. The responses on here have been incredibly gross.
A lot of these comments are messed up. I expected the occasional bit of trolling, but it’s like the comment section is basically one big collective shrug and wisecrack. Obviously, we should wait for the responses from all parties involved, but this is a serious accusation. And I know the whole “if the genders were…
Chris Kattan was sexually harassed by Amy Heckerling and everybody only focuses on Lorne Michaels and mocks Chris Kattan? Okayyyyyyyyy...
“Florida-based brothers”
But of course cross “lightings” are perfectly legal. Also, I shouldn’t be surprised by the continued setting on fire of crosses, whether legal or not, seeing as how I happened across a Klan rally in a fucking town square while simply shopping FOUR YEARS AGO.
Indeed, Chelsea fans have been known to express their opinions on human rights quite forcefully.
Good bye, the Land of Fire, hello, land of burning crosses!
Host of Europa League Final 2020:
Very ready to join the church of Dorothy Harriot. That last paragraph left me fucking atomized.
Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.
Oh my fucking god, Drew! I’m so sorry that you went through that and I’m so fucking happy you’re alive! To share I went through something milder than that last year. I had 3-4 episodes where I was shaking badly. One time when I was going to work and it was so bad I couldn’t put the lid on my coffee; a stranger had to…
Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.
HARD disagree. Have you talked to a person lately? They are just the worst.
Nothing has been confirmed about her biology other than she has an abnormally high amount of testosterone. I doubt you even know what the biological definition of “female” is and the fact that you are making the claim that she is not biologically female even though you are not a medical doctor nor are results of any…
If you’re going to shrug it away like that, couldn’t you just as easily say that those thousands and thousands of other runners should just get better or deal with the fact that Semenya’s outstanding in the women’s 800, because life’s unfair?
You’re throwing a lot of things as facts about her biology that are either untrue, unproven or actually disproven. You’re either not following this story closely enough, or you’re choosing to be ignorant.
an unfair advantage in that area which makes this person not even really fit the biological definition of female
I, for one, appreciate your concern for the athlete who would otherwise come in 3,000th place being forced into 3,001st because of this “unfair advantage.”
How come when she says, “No man can tell me what to do.” it’s all cool and badass but when I do it, I still get thrown out of Hometown Buffet for barefisting the gravy trough?! That’s the real sexism.
I’m turning 34 this year and I never really believed all the people who said taking care of yourself in your 20's is important because your 30's is when shit starts to go wrong and deteriorate. Surely I would have had until my 40's (or even 50's?!) before my body decided to give up on me! Nope. Now I’m stuck in the…