Now this...this is good fun.
Now this...this is good fun.
Eh, but that’s not true. A simple Google search of “Alabama Cross Burning” shows the first two links served as cross burnings in the state of Alabama much more recently than ten years. in fact, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimates that there are still approximately 30 cross burnings PER YEAR.
You’ve made some very excellent points that I’m going to have to take some time to think about. Thanks for taking the time to write it all out.
First, thanks for continuing to keep your opinions thoughtful and respectful. It’s a difficult subject that is essentially brand new and emotions tend to run high. Coupled with the fact that the internet is a trash bin of anonymous trolls and constant screaming/name calling, it’s nice to be able to disagree with…
As I’ve pondered this question, the thought that I can’t get around is: How do we even measure advantage or athletic edge? As mentioned in the article, Brittney Griner is nearly 7-feet-tall, which is definitely an advantage. It is not, however, the totality of what makes her a world class athlete and star basketball…
Mate, you can’t just state that she’s a hermaphrodite because she has elevated testosterone - and at this point, that’s all that’s known. There were rumors after the degrading “sex text” she was subjected to that she was intersex which has never been confirmed. Also, hermaphrodite is stigmatizing and offensive, so…
I feel you. The bigger problem with the losses is how we got to this state in the first place. Our players aren’t good enough so we don’t buy in January and *still* don’t have a head scout? My biggest fear is that we’re on a slow slide into Leeds territory. Our owner doesn’t care & our front office is a shambles. How…
“from literally the most talented player in the league”
As an Arsenal fan I *really* want to be mad at you and call you a bunch of unflattering names...but ugh. You were right. Losing at home to Palace? yeah, we deserve whatever anyone wants to say about us.
I really don’t understand why this is an issue. While I strongly believe convicted felons should be able to vote once they’ve served their time, I don’t know why it’s critical that people incarcerated are able to vote. By its very nature, prison is a punishment whereby many of your rights are suppressed. I don’t…