Only Dan

...Unless you’re an actual ninja hiding amongst a room full of people dressed like stereotypical ninjas...

I 100% agree!! A lot of research is done on how to optimize sales of micro-transactions (loot boxes, etc.) and these businesses know what they’re doing. Have you ever wondered why your real money value in game is never 1:1 or uses $ symbol? Its because when you use outrages quantities and different currency names it

There is an amazing field of digital archaeology and preservation emerging right now. I’m a professional architectural archaeologist, so I deal mostly in physical fabric remains, but as a major video game nerd, I can’t help but worry that so much of our intellectual heritage is being lost because of changing taste and

Ann has such a promising start during the whole Kamoshida arc, that I don’t think the rest of the game actually manages to capitalize on. Like, the scenes where Carmen first manifests, and how she deals with both Shadow Kamoshida and post-change of heart Kamoshida in the real world are all solid as hell. Like when she

One of his go to moves is the belly slide, he’s chafed smooth.

...said Wario to Waluigi.

It looks pretty ok. The action seems kind of slow though.

Actually little known fact, you can do it within the match. It’s called blocking.

Most selfie sticks I’ve seen have extendable arms that fold in so you can carry them easier. Presumably, this does the same.

I once again want to try to bring some sanity to this discussion. Please don’t vent your anger at Atlus USA or Atlus EU. They are simply doing what they are told to do by their parent company. Please direct your complaints to Atlus JAPAN, and thank your regional localizers for their hard work.

Stick and stones may break my bones, but words have a 15% chance of a critical hit.

I don’t expect everyone to have intimate knowledge of the workings of AAA video games, but come on — Mass Effect Andromeda was made by hundreds of people. Do you really think ONE person was responsible for all the animations? Subpar animation work can be the result of so so so many factors, including technology

Obligatory counterargument about this whole debacle being way out of proportion and how you should try the game yourself.

Negative comment regarding Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Not only is this despicable, it’s testament to how ignorant and stupid these cretins are. Bad animation can be the result of slow tools, unfriendly tech, limited staff resources, and countless other factors (including but not limited to the fact that getting human faces to feel “human” is really friggin’ hard). That’s

Literally false.

However thousands of artists (including some famous ones) would not be where they are now if not inspired by Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z was such a force in the 90's that it was pretty instrumental in popularizing action anime in the US. Not saying you HAVE to appreciate the man of DB/DBZ. But you have to respect