Only Dan

this has been constant anytime i watch a stream at worst possible moments. Most of the time I cant even pause the stream and start it again a second later without triggering an ad or even if i click on the wrong streamer and switch again, boom another ad... “oh your stream audio out of sync, just refresh” BOOM AD...


the only saving grace i can think of is restaurants that don’t do it already to embrace a online takout policy and get the word out, hopefully switching their consumer base from in person to delivery might bring some revenue to offset the loss.

the atmosphere of this game reminds me a lot of s-CRY-ed, thats awesome! 

if this keeps going in this direction its not only going to be “packaged cable channels” but also “packaged streaming services” and its going to be more expensive than cable.

dang, this brings back memories!... i played since beta where I eventually also met friends through the game, one of which was also a Canadian girl lol. when the marriage system was out we ended up married in game. those were some good memories. haven’t talked to any of them in a long time...

oh boy! you’re gonna love buddy and Emmie’s story quest :)

“Jesus, when you blow up a relationship, you don’t do it small, do you BB?”
I was laughing out loud after reading this response. I had the same reaction.

I 100% agree!! A lot of research is done on how to optimize sales of micro-transactions (loot boxes, etc.) and these businesses know what they’re doing. Have you ever wondered why your real money value in game is never 1:1 or uses $ symbol? Its because when you use outrages quantities and different currency names it

I’m failing to see how there’s fewer purchases going this route, but no fault of yours and maybe im missing something from your statement. Heres what a break down of what i see with this nintendo solution:

how is the multiplayer co-op experience in this sequel? can you roam the world with your buddy or is it just instances? is the main scenario playable via co-op?
I’m mainly looking at this for its co-op capability and if there is any replay-ability and diversity in its co-op stages for a fun game.

you could (not 100%) just get a usb type-C to hdmi converter and it would work. The dock is just a pass-through, same functionality. Although this way it would not charge you switch but if your sole purpose is to play on the tv without docking i dont see why this wouldn’t work as well.

since the parent company is amazon, do these purchases transaction through amazon? Will you be able to take advantage of the 20% pre-order discount? The discount lasts 2 weeks post game release, meaning most streamers (if the game is popular enough) will get it day one, giving their viewers 2 weeks to use the discount.

extremely fast. you can see a demonstration in digitalfoundry’s new video break down of this game!

my PS4 pro is also sluggish. at times when i navigate to the media app and attempt to open hulu or Netflix it will either be extremely sluggish or the ps4 will crash and reboot itself. At first i assumed that maybe because i have tales of berseria loaded in the background was the cause since it didnt receive a pro

“This doesn’t mean there’s infinite possibilities for the game. Last month, an intrepid player decided to see what would happen if you entered into a 256th new galaxy. It turns out that after you moved beyond this number of galaxies, they start to repeat.”

just like real life. There are only so many possibilities atoms