Please, do record it and share it with the world.
Please, do record it and share it with the world.
My brother is on a quest to see if you can take a chicken into the final battle with Ganon, and if so, to see if you can whittle Ganon down, then trick him into striking the chicken and letting the chicken strike the final blow against him.
TBH I’m legit cracking up right now. Oftentimes being misunderstood annoys me enough to get into comment battles, but this is just too hilarious to not let continue.
He’s a doctor. He didn’t choose to be a public figure, dude; he’s not Justin Bieber. He’s just a doctor who wanted to go home so he could treat his patients. What the fuck is wrong with you?
It’s not worth sharing until he has a sex tape filmed without his permission.
Riiiiight...but this “public figure” was literally dragged into the limelight, screaming, and against his will.
The victim, a 69-year-old Kentucky doctor named David Dao, was quickly identified thanks to the reporting of a local Louisville paper, The Courier-Journal, whose editors decided to publish sordid details from Dao’s past, based on publicly available court records.
The important thing here is to ignore the fact that we’re treated like chattel once we’re in an airline’s clutches and focus on the fact that David Dao did bad things before.
They want that all people feel welcome and included.
He’ll save children, but not the British children. He’ll save children, but not the British children ... Washington. Washington. 12 stories high made of radiation...
So the media isn’t just doing this to young black men, but to older Asian men as well?
You had me at “anime George Washington.” I’m there.
“Ever wondered what George Washington would look like as a pretty anime boy?”
Give kids their own accounts? Hell, I don’t even trust my grown-ass brother without him creating his own account on my consoles. He’s already overwritten too many of my saves over the years that I can never trust him again. The damn boy’s 21 years old! He should know better!
Another lesson: Don’t have children.
This is the exact reason my kids are not even allowed to touch the physical disc of Breath of the Wild until I have finished the game. Some say this technique is to heavy handed, even draconian, and to them I say “I’m gonna need you to take your opinion and shove it way up your butt. Way up there. Nope, a little…
Plus, keeps them from accidentally loading up something M-rated.
Reason #286 that I’ll never have children.
I let my 1 year old play with my PS3 controller the other day thinking she couldn’t do any damage since I don’t play it or really care about the saves any more.