
For that matter, TWO Katrina-centric episodes before Jenny. Is she not a series regular too?

Well, since you went there, she has, as we say in the vernacular, a long back. Also you can tell the ones who want to enhance their derriere because they are always bending over.

As someone who works at a hospital, this.

I actually didn't mind that as much as I thought I would.

I really enjoyed it, much better than the last few episodes and it felt much more in line with the feel of S1.

I am really not fond of it, he looks like a cocker spaniel to me.

I wouldn't say there's nothing to dislike about Katrina. How many lies has she told as well as covering up a death? All for the greater good according to her, of course.

Yes, it's a way to introduce drama, which is what this show is all about. I'm not sure I understand why anything that has to Katrina's character has to be a direct reaction of the way Abbie's character is being developed. Perhaps they decided to take Katrina in a certain direction - why do you think this has anything