
Hey! We're in the commonwealth!

He also turns up in the University episode of Peep Show and is incredible.

Also, y'know, Star Trek was massive w/ its solid blend of character-based storytelling, soft sci-fi, and easy-to-explain premise. So this show being EVEN SOFTER SCI-FI than Star Trek (maybe not w/ respect to time travel plots but it certainly isn't the kind of show that is going to try and explain why the Enterprise

I'll add to what you wrote by saying— my girlfriend basically decided to watch the show on Matt Smith's aesthetic merits alone, but at this point, she is hooked and is curious to see what Capaldi does with the role. (Having also disliked the writing in the second half of S7, like many of us.)

I totally agree with this. I mean, I get the hate because it doesn't totally work on a narrative level, kind of rising and falling apropos to nothing and the ending is a bit cold, but it felt like a classic Who episode in that respect and I'd rank it probably in the top twenty episodes of Smith's tenure.

Sorry to burst yr bubble, but I'm enjoying this season more than the last few.

I agree. Even though I've liked maybe half of what Moffat has done, I hardly see why his opinion on a scene that is largely emotionally driven would be relevant, considering how bungled he gets the emotions sometimes.