
this is the meanest fucking review

Hated Drive, which I felt was like a Tarantino movie without the dialogue, but I love this one. It's very weird.

I thought he just -really- liked golfing

Not going after Shearer as I think he was the most consistent VA over the years for this show in terms of delivery matching tone — and like I said, this -is- a funny joke. But I think that uh is one of the core differences between modern Simpsons and old Simpsons, namely that the characters have changed from being

This was the worst episode of the season for me, so far. It had a dearth of real jokes and seemed to be mostly getting laughs from jabs at mental illness, Wiggum and Bart's plot specifically.

Landa belives he is true neutral, but objectively, he is at least evil, perhaps lawful evil (in the sense that the laws governing this world are upside-down but he is shaped to them). A character's belief that their actions are "good" is merely the basis of interesting character dichotomy, not a real indicator of

Buffy did this with Spike, who isn't so different from John anyhow.

*Sideshow Bob

I have the B&W versions and am a massive fan of the series, and I think it's sort of weird that they are being colourized at all, but then I look at the colourizations and I realize that I must have them.

The trades end up costing a little bit more than this, as noted above.

I would prefer if you didn't think of me and others who like single issues as victims.

Their description of that content as filler is absurd.

Au moins, it's Gaiman, who has returned to Sandman recently with a great first issue and who is still very creatively active.

I -loved- the extra material and the treatment given to Miracleman. One of the books I am looking forward to most each month going forward.

Oh, man, I missed the word, 'reverse' in my initial read. I thought you were just being ironic, e.g. "I keep hoping it pulls a "Heroes", shitty first season followed by several fantastic seasons.", which is hilarious but infuriating.

I think the writer definitely intended to show some cracks in Rust's essential philosophy — Rust DOES sound a little panicked (like Marty points out) when he gets to talking too much about his essential philosophy. He hides behind words in the same way Marty hides by not talking. Both protagonists make people

I think it'll probably be set up by some flashback at the beginning of the second film w/ Cap feeling grief or whatever — to be totally honest, when Brubaker did his Winter Soldier run in '05, I had never read any Cap previous to that and still LOVED the reveal and the run and learning about all the precedent, so I

Pfff, Malta isn't a real country. It isn't even in North America!

I was sort of hoping when Quinn said, "Ah, so this is a courtesy call", MOTHERFUCKING COULSON would be all like, "No, this is just a call telling you that Guam just joined SHIELD" and then PAKOW the Quinn dude fucking explodes but instead it was more vagueness about some brain dude

You would be surprised how little oxygen there actually is in air.