
That's not it at all. She says "No, that's not you," meaning she acknowledges that Nymeria is not the pet Direwolf who'll follow her around anymore; she's the leader of her own pack, and rightfully won't just abandon them because Arya happened to cross their path. It's perhaps the most mature moment Arya's ever had;

And will promptly die of a winter chill.


Don't forget the cobra-whiskey and lady-boys.

He may have destroyed the Sith, but that doesn't mean there's balance in the Force; George may have stated otherwise in the past, but the saga has moved-on from that now with the introduction of the First Order. My point, though, is that if such a prophecy never existed then Anakin would likely have never become

I guess I prefer to see it as more of an intimate moment between Maul and Obi Wan than a general musing about the nature of evil.

"He will avenge us."

One at a time.

We get it: AV club doesn't like this show. But could we please get a split-review like you do you Game of Thrones, one for show-only watchers and one for comic-readers? It's seriously infuriating that you don't seem to have a clue how this all fits into the upcoming All Out War narrative; you treat this show as if it

I'd forgotten about that! Well, that puts the end-goal in perspective; the question is still how we get there Maester training.

Most of what happens on the ship has already been covered (and the rest is likely cut), so they'll likely fast forward to Horn Hill next.

I don't know exactly what the deal is with Sam, but I did notice that a lot of his solo adventures (Aemon dying; banging Gilly) happened last season at Castle Black. To me, that means they didn't want to waste time this season with all that, and Sam's story will be significantly expedited. The questions are still how

This is a Stannis that we haven't seen in the books, though. We don't really know what his state of mind is like on the march to Winterfell, as most of that action happens off-screen once they hit the snow storm. Plus, Shireen is not with them at this point in the book; this is a uniquely crafted moment for the show,

It was hammering the point that Stannis's army is not of the North as the Boltons are. Thematically it made sense; logistically, they could have done a little better. But I got the feeling that Melisendre had something to with it all; she's been wanting to sacrifice Shireen for forever, so I wouldn't be surprised if

There's never been any hints that Dany is a warg; she can "control" her dragons because she is a Targaryen. However, the fact that Bran is apparently a very powerful warg and that the dragons will (hopefully) soon be in Westeros points to some interesting possibilities. Perhaps Bran will indeed learn to fly…

If you've read the books, you'd know just how devoted Stannis's army is to him and the Lord of Light; they see him as their savior, Azor Ahai reborn. This isn't some run-of-the-mill army, this is a legion of fanatics. Plus, you're no taking into context the dire situation the army is currently in; these are not men

You obviously haven't been watching the same show as the rest of us. Stannis is a fanatic and acted in accordance with his character.

Because that's not what happened. She was closing her eyes to accept her death, and Drogon flew in at the last minute, presumably drawn by the smell of all the bloodshed. If she had warged into him, her eyes would have gone white and she would have been rendered virtually useless while her mind was occupied outside of