
I'm glad someone on here shares my train of thought. As much as I LOVE this site (look at the capital letters; I really mean it), it is Apple biased, so I'm not really surprised I've been reading articles about RIM's impending demise. It almost had me thinking the whole world feels this way. I think RIM will get

That's why they are letting some people go and restructuring the company to reduce redundancy. Not many people agree with me, but I see this as a good thing.

An official Google extension making it into Chrome? I never thought that would happen. Also, I can think of sites much more worthy of blocking than Huffington Post.

I agree. A lot of us are very socially awkward but make up for it with mad concentration skills. I'm glad I qualify to work there, even though I'm already gainfully employed.

I have to give the founders props for starting up a tech company like this. I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome as a child, so I can definitely see where they're going with this.

@alexLmx6: I haven't finished the campaign yet for Reach, but the multiplayer is among the best I've played online.

@spikespeigel: If you have NV on PS3, that patch is already out. It's coming out on Monday for PC and 360. This might as well be the fix-all patch; it's huge.

@Knifington: Both are great games, but I'm starting to like New Vegas more. There's just so more immersion in the storyline. It also seems much grittier and darker, which appeals to my tastes. My saved game says 50 hours, but Steam has it at 119 hours. Despite the bugs, I really enjoy it. A massive patch is

Impressive. Why don't BlackBerry and Android apps have this kind of turnaround? There's still not even a chat feature for either of them.

@techynottreky: In a sense, yes, Gizmodo is outsmarting Apple. Is that so far from the truth? I was not referencing the fact that Apple pulled the app, but the hidden feature itself. Admittedly, I should have pointed that out, but despite that, you came to the conclusion that I was talking about THIS article.

@techynottreky: Every time Gizmodo writes an article about an app, it alerts Apple. This should be common sense after the prototype incident. Either it is ignorance, or they are writing these articles so that Apple can potentially implement these features into iOS. Apple is infamous for pulling apps for certain

@PaddyDugan: If it wasn't for the fact that I can can a better job, I wouldn't go to a university. I can learn anything I need to learn without the help of a professor. The fact remains, though, the environment, the smell, being there in the classroom, seeing who's lecturing you, watching his/her facial expressions,

To those Apple fanboys who find this shirt offensive, I will pray to the Android gods to smite thee. To those who can take a joke, you will be spared.

I found it an interesting read despite it being somewhat unoriginal. Regardless, I think Gawker had to do some serious apologizing for the Jezebel article before Olivia wrote this one.

In a world with feature-rich smartphones, the Kin honestly didn't have a lot going for it. Also, as much as I love Microsoft, their management structure is too convoluted and unnecessary, especially when it comes to new acquisitions.

Your article is an entertaining read, but I think you could have condensed it a little bit for the A.D.D. kids and still got the point across.

There are a lot of PS2 games I want to see in HD, but one question I have is this: Despite PS2 emulation being a feature on later PS3 models (minus the Slim) but subsequently removed, is the PS3 powerful enough to re-render the graphics to HD instead of upscaling them?