
A lot of things can go wrong in service of saving a minute and a few spins of a four-way.

Dunno, I use an impact wrench to put the cap back on my milk jug.

It’s the best part of that movie Top Shots

It’s SO MANY, I don’t know, I feel like we need to call a physician

What do you do with an elephant with three balls?


“ You have? Well they are pieces of shit compared to Monaco!”

You too know the Easter European Bunnies???

Three men are sitting in Russian prison shortly after the Russian Grand Prix. The 2nd man turns to the other two and asks them why they are there.

Easy Vladimir.

In Soviet Russia, joke laughs at you!

I think the driver less cars are an issue too, but will GM and other comapanies want to stop mass producing cars? It seems like the way you describe it means that there will be fewer cars on the road and that seems to be bad for business.

Newark resident here. Dude is way over the top.

Mike Hunt agrees.

i have a harder time with him being a vegan. idiocy.

I get it - Booker is in very tight with both Wall Street and Silicon Valley and that doesn’t play well nationally, especially with the charges that Clinton is too close to Wall Street to begin with.

She should not consider anyone in the Senate. We need each democratic senator we have in there to stick around and hold the ground we have. Isn’t there a good natured Governor from somewhere who she can ask?

Why? Parties are made of volunteers, donors and local leaders working together to get their favorite candidates elected. Why should you, as an independent, have a say in who my party puts forward as our candidate?

Honestly I find it crazier than Independents think they can vote in party primaries. Do you all think we choose parties on our registrations just for funsies? What else is that process for if not to RSVP your spot for primaries and conventions?
