
Admiral Painter not Jack Ryan

My guess is everyone is having a good time.

One of my favorite moments in TV news history was right after the shoe was thrown and Bush assumed a defensive but playful stance like “c’mon where’s the next one? I like this game.”

It’s a monkey, you posted an orangutan

If there had just been one or two Houston fans exercising their second amendment rights in that stadium, they’ve shown those terrorists who’s boss and those savage beatdowns would have been stopped right away.

So, underpaid security workers with a taste for authority overstep their bounds and assault the people they’re supposed to protect?

Cops being violent?

I was with you until the last bit. That is such a horrible, massive generalization that has no bit of merit to it.

No one has fantasies about their souls being crushed and their dignity being destroyed and then having flashbacks for years about that, which is what rape is. Please rephrase your comment and think about what kink and BDSM is.

I’m not into visual porn; smutty writing does it for me. But enough people raved about him that I gave it a try, once. He spat in the woman’s face and simulated raping her - no thanks. Not into guys who even pretend to enjoy that shit, and if that makes me not sex-positive, I can live with that.

Now playing

It’s true. I dated a girl who straight up told me she had rape fantasies. I honestly had absolutely no idea what to do with that information. Really, I just felt like this :

I predict the main dynamic will be Russian pilots pay closer attention to their GPS. They just had to keep testing the limits of Turkey’s patience, and now they found it. Golf clap for Putin. Nobody wants a war so we probably won’t have one.

FIFY: Crime fighting in the NFL - show me tape or it didn’t happen. And if you show me the tape, I’m gonna get really, really mad at you.

Ah yes, we’ll have the Thunderbirds put on an airshow over Raqqa. That should do it. They’ll be so awestruck by our tight formation flying and ‘Rock You Like a Hurricane’ that they’ll drop their weapons and immediately rethink this whole Caliphate thing.

It always happens when she’s actually eating peanuts too because she eats peanuts all the fucking time and she answer that she’s eating “penis” with peanuts in her mouth when you ask her UGH MOM

Hahahaha my mom hates the peanuts too

Lawyers always win

It was probably, “I’ll give you the keys to that lambo if you let me snort cocaine off your asshole.”

So, I’m stuck in the grays and no one will ever see this, but: I have some real problems with this article. The tone is oddly sensationalizing and it focuses on a lot of random and unimportant deatils in a way that seems pearl-clutching and even, at times, strangely un-feminist for Jezebel.