
And once again, random people on the internet save me from a trip to the doctor. Take that, Obama!

This is just further proof that Freelee needs therapy for her eating disorder.

“Hairist” made me chuckle.

That’s also a HELL of a lot of sugar. I would think your pancreas would be failing after a while.


thanks Grey Street’s mom, I’ll make different plans for my evening

So your mom is saying stop at 50?

Don’t cut yourself with that edge, kid.

I hope that the first debate where he makes some sexist crack, she just spends five solid minutes BURNING HIM TO THE GROUND. Every fucked up thing he’s ever said or done, just a viral-friendly RANT where she torches the shit out of him. He’s a bully. Kill him early, and he’ll get flustered.

Pat cannot use public restrooms in North Carolina without being arrested.

I recently heard an interview with Julia Sweeney, and she said she was completely mystified that people still come up to her ask whether Pat was a man or a woman. She said the entire point was that it never mattered, the joke wasn’t on Pat, it was on the characters who lost their minds they came into contact with Pat.

I don't know about cheery, but I think it speaks volumes when she doesn't deign to answer stupid attacks. Think that picture of her at the Benghazi panel. I would be quite happy just to see her give us all that look and ignore Trump.

Pat could never get elected. The only thing these people like less than a female candidate is a candidate who they can't classify and might be one of them scary bathroom-using trans types.

It’s absolutely bullshit. Unfortunately it’s the reality Hillary has to deal with. She’s not going to cure America of it’s misogyny between now and the election so the fact is, she has to contend with this shit and work with it if she wants to win. And I’m sure she will, because Hillary is a pragmatist and she cares

I read an article criticizing her and one of the points was that her fashion choices were “inspired by Communist dictators.”

And the insinuations that she was Bill’s boss.

I remember during the Clinton administration when the gop loved to make fun of her for not being feminine enough.

That's right. Keep your mouth shut and smile. Because women haven't been given that damaging advice for our entire lives. Also, somehow she is supposed to do this while appearing as a strong leader.

Given that by merely existing as woman is tantamount to playing the Woman Card, an invalid and taboo political strategy (as opposed to playing the Man Offended By The Woman Card Card, Trump’s current strategy), the only potential candidate who is not so ostentatiously female as Hillary Clinton is SNL’s Pat.

“Too female?”