
A diary doesn’t have the same legal patient/doctor confidentiality protection, does it? I don’t know how these things go in civil cases.

You’re assuming that there’s a way to definitively prove you were hurt and abused enough for it to matter. This is also basically allowing them to pass judgement on how traumatized someone has to be before their abuse is “real.” His team will be allowed to take things said in confidence and twist them any way they

He’s not super great at reading comprehension either. He’s come at me a few times, and none of his responses make much sense in relation to the actual comment. There’s another Gawker commenter who does the same thing, so apparently this is just how it goes now.

Please read the article:

Did you see the hashtag response? #CurryScentedBitch blew up and it was pretty sweet. Tons of desi women tweeted pictures at her racist ass.

To really appreciate Apocalypse, you have to get a feel for the scope of his manipulation and longer plans. I’m probably biased because I was a big Angel fan, so when he “created” Archangel and all the aftermath of that, it really got me good.

I’m hoping they’ve set it up enough that it’ll have some weight to it. There’s at least a bit of a scale in place.


It was honestly probably an undiagnosed heart condition or defect. my cousin had a similar issue, but luckily they caught it and were able to correct it before anything happened.


I’m a Clinton supporter, but I’ll take a swing at this.

“Roads and bridges are for pinko commies.” Paul 11:4

This is so accurate it’s scary.

I was talking about the 1976 case, not the current state of the program. I don’t doubt what you’re saying about how it is today.

This is what always amazes me when people talk about rape victims making allegations for the fame/money/whatever, especially in high profile cases. If you’re falsely seeking the sort of demeaning, destructive, lifelong attention making a rape claim brings, you’ve got other serious issues.

Everyone else has covered how the kid would’ve gotten to Paterno, but I can possibly shed light on why someone would wait 40 years. Abuse, particularly sexual abuse in childhood, carries a lot of shame and pressure to keep silent, if only because you don’t know how to process it and you fear judgement. Couple that

The decision is based on negligence on the university’s part during these years, so though it’s only alleged, they’ve chosen not to give them coverage for the incidents. Even if the kid in 1976 was lying or didn’t actually report to Paterno, the assistants in the following years definitely did, and that’s on record.

Let’s say the kid didn’t. There were other people, including assistants, who witnessed things and reported them in the 1980s. Does that somehow make it better?

What you’re forgetting is that in 2008 she tried so, so hard to keep her gender out of her campaigning, and it was impossible. Women are asked different questions, held to different standards, picked apart for different things, and ultimately there are plenty of men out there ready to say being a woman is some kind of

You can tell she’s also raised sons because the threat of me/friends actually doing it was very real in that text.