The ones the OP’s talking about were purged. It’s shitty for the Clinton campaign as well, results-wise.
The ones the OP’s talking about were purged. It’s shitty for the Clinton campaign as well, results-wise.
If nothing else, this primary has shown how shitty our current voting system is. I don’t necessarily mean the election process ; I mean literally the process of trying to vote and then getting your vote cast is just ridiculous.
Can we just get a running tally of how many Republicans have been caught doing sexually predatory things or illegal shit in bathrooms?
There’s not one recorded incidence. Actually, trans people run a serious risk of being assaulted in restrooms.
I’m don’t really get this criticism. All reporters rely on leads/tips for breaking news. It’s a great way for others to bring attention to lesser known issues, to help people give info anonymously, and to launch deeper investigative journalism.
A lot of the economic policies being discussed, even those by her own candidate of choice, could have massive effects on countries that rely on US trade deals or foreign aid, and I don’t just mean Trump’s idiocy. Sanders is really pushing for leveling tariffs against China, for example. Also, with Brazil and Venezuela…
At least he’s not also drunk.
I’ve heard from people who know him that he used to be kind of insufferable and has made some fine strides in the other direction. Maybe he’s reforming?
I think you’re on to something, but I think there’s more to that point. The inherent belief is that the cis, white male perspective is “normal,” if only because so much is written by white male writers for white male writers. Then when you get a character who deviates from that perspective, it’s so often written as…
Full disclosure: Trans person. Also, you’re absolutely not a misogynist troll etc for asking an honest question like this, and asking these kinds of questions is the best way to learn and understand. .
Historical context and the fact that a race of people is not a mascot. The bigger issue is Chief Wahoo, who is just a straight up racist caricature. His name’s Wahoo, for fucksake. It’s like if we had The Sacramento Chinamen and the mascot was LingLing, a cartoon with yellow skin, slanted eyes, and buck teeth.
To be fair, would your attitude after the Cowboys be stellar? It’s like a step up from Miami without the really exciting locker rooms.
“Alleged actions.” As in, he’s only been accused, not convicted.
Or that rape only occurs as man on woman, not woman on woman, man on man, or woman on man.
You demonstrate a strong lack of understanding about Libya, Iraq, our roles in each, and the expectations behind either. Also, Bernie voted approval for actions leading to a regime change in Iraq.
They haven’t needed to. Up until now, there haven’t been any serious, undodgable questions about his platforms.
I think they might’ve been joking?
“I’m from Brooklyn and I still don’t know how to read the subway maps!” Boom. Done.
Wouldn’t you want the presidential nominee heavily scrutinized over his/her core campaign platforms? It reveals major gaps in logic or inconsistencies with reality, and in the best scenarios, it forces the candidate to really consider this stuff. For example, not knowing about the Met Life ruling is a pretty big deal.
Don’t forget: the Washington Post and the Daily News are in HRC’s pocket and also they helped her do Benghazi and emails, probably.